We now offer a paid review service (All Access Beer Reviews), which guarantees review panel feedback (blind panel of BJCP or Cicerone™ certified judges), editor feedback, and a score card. More information can be viewed HERE.


Each issue of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine® focuses on a style or set of styles for the feature package and review section. We welcome submissions from breweries across the United States and around the world. Due to the typically large number of beers we receive for any given issue, we cannot guarantee publication or written reviews for every beer submission (in a typical issue we publish 70-90 reviews of the 300+ submissions received). If you’d like to guarantee a review of your beer, please consider our all-access beer reviews.

When selecting which beers we review, we consider many factors—relevance to our readership, geographical diversity, variety in brewery scale, notable accolades from respected competitions such as GABF, recommendations from our writers, and (of course) quality and taste in our pre-screening process.

How to Submit Beer

The first step when submitting beer is to fill out the submission form to let us know which beers to expect. It’s incredibly important that you do this so that the customer service team unpacking the beer can relate to our editorial team that new beer has arrived. By using the form and entering your email address with each beer submitted, we can keep you updated automatically when we receive the beer and publish reviews. This also associates a submitted beer with your account on beerandbrewing.com so that you can log in and check on the current status of any beer you submit. Here’s a link to the form: Craft Beer and Brewing Review Submission


The shipping address for all beer submissions:

Unfiltered Media Group
1300 Riverside Ave Suite 206
Fort Collins, CO 80524

Craft Beer & Brewing Review Submission

For editorial submissions, we accept up to Three different beers per issue from any single brewery, and ask that you send three samples of each beer (two if it’s an extremely limited beer, or a large volume container like a crowler). Please pack them well and ship to the address provided above. 

We unpack all beer the day it’s received, and refrigerate it, to make sure we review it in the best possible shape. Once we unpack it and log it in, our system will notify you that we’ve received the beer, and from there, you can log in to beerandbrewing.com to keep track of a beer’s process as it’s pre-screened and either moves into the review workflow or is marked “not reviewing.” You’ll be notified by email when the review is published, and other status changes are visible through your beerandbrewing.com account.

You may submit any commercially-released beer for our editorial reviews, whether it’s routinely packaged or draft-only, but it must be commercially available beer (club-only beer is acceptable).

After beers for an issue are reviewed, reviews undergo a second selection process, whereby the most interesting and valuable reviews are selected for publication in the issue. Generally speaking, beers below a certain score threshold will not be printed in the magazine, as we prefer to focus on beers to seek out.

We aim to publish every review that scores over 85 on the beerandbrewing.com website.

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If you have additional questions about our review process, email editorial director Jamie Bogner at jbogner@beerandbrewing.com .

If you'd like an email reminder of upcoming issue deadlines, join our editorial review reminders email list HERE and we’ll let you know about pressing deadlines, styles, and other special editorial opportunities that may arise.